
I thought I had been given plenty of surprises for 2010. I really thought I had met my quota for the year. Then it occurred to me, there are "happy" surprises too. I wasn't giving the happy ones enough credit. Bring 'em on! They come in all sizes and sometimes are so easily ignored, but I've realized even the small ones don't seem so small when you are paying attention. My little sunshine makes me laugh so much and everyday she showers me with amazing surprises. I will never get enough of that. Ever. I'm so scared for the day that she's embarrassed of me- but I'm categorizing that into the "bad", and surely that won't happen in 2010- she's only 2 (I guess that would be a surprise)! Obviously, I could go on and on about her, but I wanted to encourage everyone to realize the small, even tiny, happy things that happen around you. It can help make a bumpy ride....well, a little less bumpy. I know we read inspiring things about paying attention to the small stuff and all, but consider this another reminder (less the amazing and inspiring verbiage).

Speaking of surprises- and this is a happy AND big one, I was surprised last week with a dozen of these peach lovelies at my door. That's right, not red. Peach. That means (to me anyway) much more thought went into this decision on the sender's end. VERY thoughtful. Props, fist bumps and high fives all need to be directed at my awesome hubby.

Have a great week!