{Harkins Family...part two...including the Perkins' & Glenn's}

Here it is, part two of a session with a great family. Thanks to all 3 families for being so patient with me in getting things posted!

{Harkins Family...part one}

Today I have been thinking a lot about a friend of mine. Her family is going through some scary times and I'm not as geographically close to her as I'd like to be. I feel like I'm no help to her or her family and I know they could really use it right now. So, right this second, all I can do is ask everyone to please pray for a friend of mine and her family. Pray hard and pray alot. I promise that they would all stop everything to pray for you if I asked.

Here is a couple from their session that I did a little while ago. There's nothing like knowing truly sweet, wonderful people!

{Baby & Toddler what to wear guide}

I promise to give the blog more attention soon! Thanks to everyone for being patient with me during such a busy time. I did get a chance to add to the what to wear section, so I thought I'd take a minute to let everyone know. I added a baby and toddler guide to the bottom, you can see it here: http://www.lacybphotography.com/ if you'll go to the "what to wear" link at the top in purple.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!