{You've waited long enough!}

So Kotori Photo Jewelry is BIG news for me and I'm very excited to do business with them, buuhhhhht I've been working on something else that has taken me way too long to get finished - so I've got a little more of 'me' invested in it. I'm happy to say that I've decided on a logo for lacybphotography! On my last post for the Schafflers, I was experimenting with another logo. It was ok. It really isn't me though, I don't think. Of course, I would love to hear what you think! If you get my posts through your email subscription, I've also added a blog header with my logo which you can see if you click on the "{You've waited long enough}" title at the top of this post. Anyway- the logo that has been in works for a while is finally FINISHED - holla!  :)

Today, I'm going to show off my new logo and use this post as an excuse to put up a few more photos for the Schafflers! Enjoy.

Oh yeah. She's sassy.

...and oh so sweet!