It's crazy how things change!
It has occurred to me that I really enjoy the view of fields with wild grasses and flowers randomly sprinkled around. I now realize that growing up, these incredible colors would pop up all around me and go away just as quickly. I never thought twice about it. I was driving today and had to pull over to take this picture which is what started my thinking about these bright colors in fields all around. Although, I'm not AT ALL a plant guru, so I'm unsure if it's a weed or actually a wildflower, I just know it makes me smile to see a field full of color!

social media, here I come...
Slowly- I know. I finally set up a facebook page for lacybphotography (woot woot!). I have a few sessions in my albums and will add more soon (there is a "like" button on the right margin of my blog *subtle hint*). It should be interesting for me to attempt running a blog and a facebook page that are for something other than personal use.... feel free to let me know your opinion on how I'm doing down the road with that! Of course this means you'll need to be following my feeds or subscribed to my blog and/or "like" my facebook page- crazy right?! (Go click "like"! *another subtle hint*) OK, enough with the awkward self promotion for a bit. (But seriously feel free to spread the word- it won't hurt my feelings any. I'll just love you even more)
So, I had a good 'lil session tonight- pretty excited about that. Had good news today- pretty excited about that. Sweat a lot this evening- NEVER excited about that. Two "exciteds" out of three- pretty sure that "exciteds" is not a word, either way my husband is a little embarrassed right about now- he says I make up my own words pretty often. I guess I just proved him right, hmmm. Sure don't mean to do that most of the time (make up words, not prove him right). OOPS. Must be that top notch education...oh wait. OK sorry- that was the ADD...back to my two out of three. Like I was saying- 2/3 isn't bad, but you throw setting up a facebook page on top of that- surely that makes it worth 2 1/2! Either way- not a bad day! Hope everyone had a few "exciteds" of their own!
*Go hit a like button or drop your email address in a little box- all of this can be done on my blog! :)*
So, I had a good 'lil session tonight- pretty excited about that. Had good news today- pretty excited about that. Sweat a lot this evening- NEVER excited about that. Two "exciteds" out of three- pretty sure that "exciteds" is not a word, either way my husband is a little embarrassed right about now- he says I make up my own words pretty often. I guess I just proved him right, hmmm. Sure don't mean to do that most of the time (make up words, not prove him right). OOPS. Must be that top notch education...oh wait. OK sorry- that was the ADD...back to my two out of three. Like I was saying- 2/3 isn't bad, but you throw setting up a facebook page on top of that- surely that makes it worth 2 1/2! Either way- not a bad day! Hope everyone had a few "exciteds" of their own!
*Go hit a like button or drop your email address in a little box- all of this can be done on my blog! :)*
{Miss Olivia}
Here's the real sneak peek to my session with Miss Olivia. This little lady was so sweet to tolerate taking pictures when she didn't feel so well, but I think we pulled it off just fine! Here are my favorites, enjoy!
Super teaser...
I couldn't wait. I've been editing Olivia's session and I just thought these two images would make the perfect "teaser".... the full sneak peek is coming soon. Go ahead- leave a comment telling her momma how stinking cute she is! :)
I'm wishing everyone an amazing week- I'm planning on having one myself!
{Happy Father's Day 2010!}
I wanted to take a minute to say that I hope all of the good daddys out there have had a great father's day. I know that my little sunshine has loved all over her daddy today! I'm so thankful that she has such a sweetheart of a daddy- those can be pretty hard to come by but she is such a lucky little girl!
Here's a shot of that lucky little girl since it's always best to post with a picture!
Good Morning!
Had a good morning shoot with little Olivia and her mommy this week! Miss Olivia has gotten so big. It was fun to watch her play and she is walking so well all on her own! She let us know when she was hot and tired and had had enough, but I don't blame her a bit- I do the same thing when I'm hot and tired! We had fun and had just the right amount of time to get some great shots! Mommy did great keeping her entertained for me, too. I'll work on getting you a peek of this session soon, I promise!
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